Saturday, November 14, 2009

The other English teachers at my school. (above)

So, I got kicked out of my classroom for one week. My school is being audited/inspected and the inspection officers get to take over my room to use as their office. So, now I get to go around to the students home rooms to teach. This is how the majority of the other teachers do it anyways. The students stay in their classroom, and the teachers go around to the different classes. I really like having my own classroom. But I'm finding that their are some benefits to teaching in the homerooms. You see, in my classroom, there are six tables with six chairs around each table. This set up lends itself to lots of talking going on when I'm trying to teach (equaling a very frustrated Derek). But in the home rooms, they're all in individual desks facing the front of the class, and they naturally pay attention a lot better. So, my first day teaching in the homerooms was a little rough, just cause it was different for me and I had to adjust. But Friday was great! The students were so much more attentive than in my classroom, my lesson plans allowed for a lot of fun and laughter, and we all had a blast. So fun! So, I'll be teaching in the home rooms until Friday this next week.

I have 3rd year student named Ji Won who has started coming into my classroom at lunch to chat. Her English isn't great, but it's been really fun trying to have a conversation. She'll teach me some Korean and I'll correct her English. One day she brought in a 2x2 rubik's cube. I told her to try to finish it by the time school was finished. So, she brought it back after school and it was done. I was impressed. I asked if I could try it, so she let me take it home and I said I'd bring it back the next day finished. It was a late night, to say the least. I stayed up till 2 looking at stuff online trying to figure out how to do the freakin' thing! All the videos online were by these genius guys who always begin with the same sentence, "They're really nothing to this; it's really easy." And within 5 seconds they've lost me. So, I brought it to school the next day unfinished. But during a break period, I found a website that was simpler and was able to figure it out. So, I was inspired and went and bought a 3x3 for myself. I haven't had any time to put into it, but some students come in and solve it sometimes for me. They all seem to have them figured out.

I went to Costco yesterday. Kettle Chips, Tillamook Colby Jack Cheese, bratwurst (for breakfast scramble), bread, and pumpkin pie. Yummmmmyyyyyy! They had pumpkin cheesecake there but it was around $20 so I decided against it. But I may give in sometime.

I think an interesting question to ask oneself is, "If you did/do not worship God, what would/do you worship. I think everybody worships something. Money, comfort, family, friends, fame, respect, sex, alcohol, etc. I think for me, if I did not worship God, I would probably worship Kettle Chips. They're just that good! Next topic...

An African guy that I know from church is coming over today after church to work on some music together. It's so cool that he's actually from Africa, and not African American. I think he's from Nigeria. Speaks English. He's like 32 and married and is here studying at a university. Should be fun.

Well, I got to shower and get to church. Peace out, Derek

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